Commission Minutes

February 19, 2016


Present: [in person] Edward A. Barrett, F. Celeste Branham, Ross Cunningham, Janice Daku, Mandela Gardner, Elizabeth Hite, Rob Liscord, Gordon Liu, Lori Parham, John Portela, Barbara Wentworth, David Wihry

Public Comment Period  
Staff of five AmeriCorps programs gave updates on plans for AmeriCorps week as well as other program activities.

The meeting was called to order by Chair-elect John Portela at 10:20 am. Commission introductions were made. There were no announcements and no additions/deletions to the agenda. The Commission quiz drew three answers. The cited section of the Congressional Budget Justification (CBJ) indicates the Volunteer Generation Fund could be used to support Service Enterprise which is a MCCS priority in the strategic plan.

Focus on Mission/Responsibilities

1. Briefing by Grant Selection and Performance Task Force (Wihry)
Task Force chair Wihry presented an overview of the committee’s responsibilities and recent work. In addition to selecting grants to fund during competitions, the task force develops policies related to grants and evaluates performance of grantees during the annual continuation application process. It’s portion of the strategic plan was to ensure state priorities (economic opportunity, early childhood education, service-learning, food security, volunteer capacity) were reflected in the grants funded.

2. Annual Review of AmeriCorps Program
Program staff, Jason Aylmer, from the Bangor AmeriCorps Opportunity Collaborative gave a brief overview of the program. Eastern Maine Development Corp. took on the program nine months ago and is completing the third year of the grant. The mission of the program is to assist people living in chronic poverty in one of two ways: engaging them in AmeriCorps service so they develop skills and earn education awards; and, having AmeriCorps members assist people in connecting with programs and services that will lead to employment, self-sufficiency.

Planning and Future Initiatives

1. Report on December CNCS Evaluation Summit (Wihry)
David Wihry represented the Commission at this one-day national meeting convened by CNCS. He noted there was more discussion of performance measures and potential evaluation. It was useful to meet some of the key people at CNCS and gain insight into CNCS viewpoints and plans.

Business Reports

A. Minutes(Portela)
January meeting minutes were presented. Moved by Daku to accept the minutes as posted. Second by Barrett. Vote to approve: unanimous in favor.

B. Executive Committee ( Portela)
A policy on having a liaison to the Maine Volunteer Foundation was outlined in Executive Committee meeting notes and presented for action. Portela reviewed the policy. In answer to a question, the current Chair is aware of the new assignment and the policy development. Moved by Branham to approve the policy for a Commission liaison to the Maine Volunteer Foundation. Second by Parham. Vote to approve: unanimous in favor. Moved by Liscord to accept the Executive Committee report in full. Second by Wihry. Vote to approve: unanimous in favor.

C. Grant Selection and Performance(Wihry)
Because this task force is the one that uses volunteers most consistently, it was asked to review a draft confidentiality policy that would apply to MCCS volunteers. It has been reviewed by the Assistant Attorney General and does not conflict with any open government laws. A copy was distributed and, after time to review it individually, there was some discussion. A point was raised about whether a non-disclosure requirement is needed to cover periods after a person completes volunteer (including board) service. Some technical (grammar) edits were noted. Staff will inquire from the AAG if and how this can be done. Moved by Wihry to adopt the policy with technical edits. Second by Liscord. Vote to approve: unanimous in favor.

The task force is also responsible for developing recommendations to CNCS on AmeriCorps applications submitted by nonprofits or universities that intend to place a few members with Maine affiliates. The Commission policy is to support applications that align with Commission priorities; take a neutral stance on proposals that do not align but whose sponsors submitted consultation forms to the Commission; and to not support proposals on the federal list that were submitted by applicants who did not consult with the Commission. The Commission input is formally recorded in the federal grant management system at a specific point in the competition.

Consultation forms have been received by the following and the recommended support is noted for each:

  1. AIDS United – Neutral - By Commission policy, those programs that do not address state priorities receive neutral recommendations.  This is not a judgment of the quality of the proposed program
  2. Corps Network – Support - The Commission supports this program
  3. FoodCorps – Support - The Commission supports this program
  4. Share Our Strength – Support - The Commission supports this program
  5. Student Conservation Association – Neutral - By Commission policy, those programs that do not address state priorities receive neutral recommendations.  This is not a judgment of the quality of the proposed program
  6. Univ. of Maryland Legacy Corps – Neutral - By Commission policy, those programs that do not address state priorities receive neutral recommendations.  This is not a judgment of the quality of the proposed program

Any additional proposals that appear on the CNCS list (function will be opened during the next few weeks) will receive “do not support” since they did not consult with MCCS.

Moved by Branham to approve the endorsements as presented. Second by Barrett. Vote to approve: unanimous in favor.

D. Board Development (Branham)
Orientation continues for new commissioners. With regard to new appointments, recruitment is underway with the goal of presenting a full complement for endorsement in June. The hope is everyone can start in September this year. Discussion about the annual retreat has begun.

E. Excellence and Expertise(Liu)
Meeting notes were posted. Gordon gave a brief overview and asked if there were any questions. No clarifications were requested.

F. Public Information and Education/ Public Policy(Portela)
The task force met two days ago. It’s discussions focused on three upcoming events. First is National Service Day at the Capitol on March 15. Commissioners are asked to attend and guide legislators around program information stations. Commission role is to provide context and connect legislators’ interests with programs’ work. The second is really three events under the Governor’s Awards for Service and Volunteerism. The Hall of Flags ceremony on April 12 needs the most assistance from Commissioners. That is the presentation of individual awards by Mrs. LePage. The other two events are the youth volunteer recognition hockey game on April 10 and the adult volunteer recognition baseball game on April 19. The third point of discussion is the ongoing effort to have Representative Poliquin visit National Service programs and become acquainted with the work funded by Congress. There is still an encouraging response from his office but no date. If we can’t get a date by June, we will hold off until next year in order to steer clear of campaign season.

G. CNCS Regional Office update (Hite) 
Mayors’ Recognition of National Service Day is April 5. The event is organized by CNCS field offices. In Maine, the mayors of Biddeford, Portland, Bangor, Augusta, and Hallowell have been approached. Portland will be the site for an event. John Portela noted he can aks the Brunswick mayor and council to participate as well.

H. MCCS Staff(Crofton/Ashmore)
Commission staff gave updates on three items. Half the MCCS volunteer needs have been filled. There is still a need for assistance with the volunteer recognition events. In anticipation of the award of program development funds, the hiring process to refill the training officer position on MCCS staff has been posted.

Business Wrap Up  (Portela)  
Reminder there is no March meeting. The  next business meeting is April 15, 2016- Conference Room 110, 19 Union Street, Augusta. 

The meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.