Climate Corps Task Force

       Introductions and Agenda Check

       Update on Maine Climate Corps Network Recruitment

  Details on our website. First meeting is Thursday Sep 14.

  Action Item: Share the word in your networks-target is existing volunteer/fellowship/internship programs engaged in climate action.

       Update on Maine Climate Corps/AmeriCorps Grantee:

   DCP has decided to not move forward with their AmeriCorps grant. Their Climate Corps program will close in December. Any subsequent programs will need to be funded independently.

Action Item: This releases more money back to our formula pool. Excellent opportunity for programs to launch a new program and access funding. We also will need peer reviewers. An opportunity to learn about program development/grant writing. Do spread the word in your networks, intensive, but short volunteer commitment. 

Adult Ed: grant writing. Could be a great pitch to recruit peer reviewers from folks learning this skill of grant writing. 
Climate Change Adaptation Partnership network: 100 on email distribution list. Those working on climate action at the local level-Nathan can share with this list. 
Kirsten will send copy around that folks can distribute to their community. 

  Report Discussion: We often focus on the needs and goals of the Climate Action Plan and employers, while the opportunity for young people/early career participants is more vague. What does it look like to honor and include youth voice and interests? What does it look like to measure and evaluate impact on youth? Other state-wide resources to consider?

    Kirsten had a couple of opportunities to meet with youth in the last few months and hear about their interests and needs. Will share some of their feedback. 

April: at Waynflete School. Cole Cochran co-leader. Talked about policymaking and Kirsten talked about implementation. Small sample size – 7 students.
Youth voice, what service areas would they like to work in? wildlife conservation, coastal protection, increased access to ed, environmental justice, sustainable design, microplastics, flooding, lobbying/legislature, marshland preservation, natural disasters, 

Observation: Youth have the voice, though elders often have the experience. Can move something forward with collaboration. In Climate Corps, could put together intergenerational teams. Build the relationship in communities, connecting different people. For example, a model could be: how to action guides on what businesses/members can do, and then the members serve as outreach to the community  to accomplish recommended action. Plans, existing materials – giving life to these documents and implementing in community. Connecting resources that exist to community. Find out who communities are that need assistance

What skills would they like to gain or practice?
General knowledge of actionable measures, understanding process to pass bills, functioning energy support skills, volunteer networking, lobbying skills, inspiring community connection/volunteerism, targeting support of indigenous/marginalized communities, trail maintenance, help other countries, finding common ground with those in agreement.

Do they have opportunities to do this? Some did and others didn’t. Less opportunity in science than in arts. Summer jobs/internships from professors. Climate jobs website would be helpful resource.

Similar sentiments expressed in an UMPI class: barriers are: they need to get paid to afford school, or unreliable vehicle. How to do the matchmaking between willing participants and organizations that need human resources? People want to do involved! 

Coming soon from DEP: Carbon footprint of importing foods. Consumption is something that the individual can make an impact on. What role is individual action in this work?  

Dr. Marianne Krasny does work on this topic: power of individual action does make a difference with collective change. Community volunteerism matters – hear Dr. Krasny’s research. 

        Update: Invited guest speaker, Amanda Dwelley, to speak to our task force about equity in reporting requirements (at a Fall meeting). Amanda was the contractor supporting the Climate Council’s Subcommittee on Equity.  October meeting Amanda will talk about implementing participatory grantmaking. Will look at what we are currently using and make suggestions.

        External Funding Update: Submitted concept and potential budget request to GOPIF for the NOAA Climate Resilience Challenge. 5 Maine Service fellows per year, 8 Maine Shore Corps members