Executive Committee

PRESENT: Jenni Tilton-Flood, Luke Shorty, Celeste Branham, Ed Barrett, Zakk Maher, Pam Proulx-Curry, Maryalice Crofton

The members convened at 3pm using the virtual meeting technology.

Discussion Items.
Update on balancing commission membership. Maryalice met with the director of Boards and Commissions to discuss plan for bringing the Commission into compliance with state and federal law. The director has two applications in hand that could aid in correction. She committed to finding two additional and the Commission will also reach out to potential applicants. Maryalice confirmed there is a special condition on the admin grant award due to the present situation which needs to be resolved ASAP.

Discussion of change in fiscal agent. This next legislative session is the one where new bills can be introduced. There was an extended discussion on this issue. Exec members decided to proceed with the first step being to discover if the Governor will support a move to Secretary of State. The change would mean dealing with only the oversight committee. Currently budget goes through one committee and accountability is under another. The move would also put the Commission in an office whose mission is aligned with our own. Maryalice was directed to find out if the Governor would support.

Commission legislative agenda. The discussion covered two aspects of the issue. First is the Commission’s priorities. Those were identified as funding for Maine Service Fellows and climate corps. Maryalice added increasing general support so the office administrator can be full time. Second, Rep Rielly asked to meet with Commission representative to hear his ideas on service legislation. The meeting will be later today. There is no advance information on proposals. Luke and John Portela were asked to be the representatives. John is unable to attend so Celeste will do so.

Strengthening the foundation. There was a discussion of how to help the foundation. Celeste relayed a fundraising idea from someone not involved with either organization. She will share with those board members for their reaction. The Commission needs to make suggestions to help them fill the vacancies.

Setting Sept retreat date + melding strategic plan/work plan with DEI workshop. Members only had time to discuss dates and format. Maryalice was asked to poll commissioners for September dates as part of the announcement for June’s meeting. Celeste will ask SISGI/Thenera Bailey what format she would want. There was not time to discuss the strategic plan update today.

Second planning grant competition. Grant Selection and Performance task force was asked to make recommendations to the board since it is meeting later this week.

The members disbursed at 4:03 pm.