Executive Committee

February 2, 2016


Present: John Portela, Celeste Branham, and David Wihry

The members convened at 3:05 pm via teleconference.

Commission liaison to Maine Volunteer Foundation
For all the reasons previously discussed, no Commissioner can serve on the board of the Maine Volunteer Foundation during their term although the law directs that the executive director of the Commission serves as a non-voting member of the MVF board. Given the need to maintain a close positive working relationship with MVF, it seems prudent to have a member of MCCS serve as liaison to the foundation.

Executive Committee members propose that “the position of MCCS Liaison to MVF be established. The liaison will be an actively serving Commissioner and automatically filled by the immediate past-chair beginning with the June 2016 change in MCCS officers. The liaison would serve two years and change with each succeeding election. If the immediate past-chair completes a term of service or resigns before the next biennial MCCS election, then the Commission chair would appoint a Commissioner to fill the position.”

March ASC convening on policy agenda for states  
The state commissions’ association is convening all Executive Directors for three days in March. There is an opportunity for either the chair or chair-elect to attend. John will talk with Ron about who will attend. There is rationale for either of them to attend so it will depend on availability.

CNCS inspection/audit  
Commission staff received formal notification that CNCS officers will do a formal site visit to inspect/audit MCCS operations. The team will be on-site for four days starting June 6.

The list of states to be audited by the OIG will be published in March so we have no idea yet whether Maine will be on the list for 2016.

Task force updates 
Nearly all the task forces have not met since the last business meeting. Their schedule is for early in February. Maryalice pointed out that ASC has shared a new communications/outreach plan that might be a useful template for PIE.

New Commissioner Orientation 
Ron will be out of state for the next session. Celeste has identified the pieces she will lead. Maryalice will stand in for Ron and help John with the rest of the agenda.

Staff performance evaluation 
Celeste will start the conversation with officers on that issue.

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 3:45 pm.