Financial Oversight

The task force members convened by video conference at 4 pm.

PRESENT: David Burns, Luke Shorty, Maryalice Crofton

The financial report for the period ending February 28 was sent to members prior to the meeting. Maryalice noted that the data for March was posted just a few hours before this meeting so the report will be updated before the April 24th meeting.

Task Force members reviewed the status of each grant and identified clarifications in the presentation that should be added for the full board. Concerns noted included the past dependence on inkind match and the fragility of state funding as the budget impact of the pandemic emerges. There’s no action to take other than monitoring and adjusting as time passes.

It was noted that new Commissioners would really benefit from an orientation to the reports and Commission finances. It should occur outside the Commission meeting so people can ask questions. Luke offered to do the orientation session and Maryalice will work to identify a time during the week of April 20 that the orientation can occur.

David asked that hard copies of the reports be sent to task force members.

There being no other items on the agenda, the members disbursed at 5:05 pm.