Excellence and Expertise: October 2022

PRESENT: Susan Hawthorn, Cindy Whitney, Lisa Morin, Viicki Kupferman, Kelsey Preecs, Michael Ashmore

Task force members gathered at 1:30 pm for the work session using technology.


1.    Welcome & Agenda adjustments
2.    Michael Smith Visit (Michael)
•    Gave the group an overview of Michael Smith’s visit. Michael A. gave us a play-by-play of the agenda, and what seemed to be wins. 

3.    Conference Update (Kelsey)
•    Kelsey gave a status update on the conference.
•    Commissioners need to give their session descriptions and titles.
•    A few suggestions for more speakers. 

4.    Credentialing Grant Opportunity (Michael)
•    Michael explained the grant opportunity and the type of volunteer management credentialling.
•    E&E agreed to give feedback on the materials. 

There being no other matters to cover, the members dispersed at 2:30 pm.