Communications Task Force

PRESENT: Diane Lebson, Gary Dugal, Jenni Tilton-Flood, Maryalice Crofton

The members convened at 10:00 am using the virtual meeting technology. 

Diane did a ‘round the table check-in before moving into the agenda.

Discussion items:
PROPOSED INTERVIEW SCENARIOS FOR PIO. The process for hiring a new Public Information Officer has started. It is hoped the announcement for applications will be posted next week. Maryalice has asked for a longer posting time than is traditional (15 days instead of 10). The interview structure includes asking candidates to do pre-work around scenarios. TF members discussed the process. The interview team is 3 people: Maryalice, Marcus Mworka (Dept of Ed Communications Director), and Diane. The first interview is for all qualified applicants. Candidate finalists are then asked to meet with staff. Commissioners recommended the finalists be given an additional task at this time – write a press release within 20 min using a scenario provided and before leaving the building. This demonstrates ability to handle unexpected events and writing against a short deadline. There were also suggestions related to wording the third pre-interview assignment. Maryalice will edit to incorporate those.

To develop a strong pool of candidates, all Commissioners will need to share the announcement with their networks. Maryalice is also going to send it out regionally and nationally to commission network.

MAB PEP QUARTERLY IN-KIND REPORT. The first quarter generated $56,660 in match from airplay by both ratio and TV. 

UPDATING RADIO SPOTS. The radio and TV spots currently circulating through MAB partners need refreshing. Radio will be easier to do. The TV spots are produced by the federal agency. After a brief discussion, assignments given were 1) staff will provide TF members with links to the digital ads now in circulation; 2) Maryalice will send Diane core messages for spots that are 25 seconds (need to leave 5 seconds for tag); 3) Diane will draft a couple of new radio spots and Gary agreed to record. The goal is to upload to MAB by second week of September so last quarter has new material for stations to use.

RECRUITING ADDITIONAL MEMBERS. This TF will take advantage of the ability to add members of the public in order to expand capacity. Diane has three people she wants to approach, and a new Commission candidate will also join. Gary committed to looking through his network for potential members. They all will be asked to join the September meeting.

PROPOSED NEW TIME. The proposed new schedule will pair the task force meetings with the board business meetings. That means they will be on those Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Generally, they will be in person in the small conference room. If there is no business meeting, the task force will gather through zoom.

In August, the board does not have a business meeting so the next Communications TF meeting will be August 11 at 9am via zoom. The calendar reminder will be adjusted but the link will not change.

There being no other topics to handle, the members dispersed at 10:48 a.m.